Auto Invest allows you to automatically commit to purchasing notes of loans on the goPeer platform. These commitments are made based on pre-defined risk criteria that you set.
Some important points to be aware of:
- Amounts are rounded down to the nearest $10 (ie. $28 becomes $20), unless the amount is less than $10 (ie. $3 becomes $10)
- Commitments are diversified across provinces, industries of employment, and loan terms
- Auto-Invest will only commit to loans that have been listed for a minimum of 24 hours, and runs once daily at the beginning of each day
- Note commitments will not be made in loans that you have previously committed to or withdrawn from
- Auto-Invest may be disabled at any time (existing commitments are unaffected)
Please note that for first time depositors, auto-invest may be slightly delayed until your funds have fully cleared which can take up to 5-7 business days from the date of your original deposit. You can still invest manually during this period once your deposit completes.
If you only want to invest in 3 year loans, you can go to "My Profile", "Suitability" and change the answer to "No" for "Investments through goPeer cannot be sold early and typically carry a term of 3 or 5 years. Are you comfortable investing for a term of 5 years?" auto-invest will be prevented from investing in 5 year loans.